Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Be a Crazy Gardener

Blackness gathered from the South,
And lightening crackled down,
I watched agog, open mouthed,
As clouds rolled into town

Minding water restrictions
I took a pot plant out
Hoping in anticipation…
But no rain – nothing – naught

The blackness kept on rolling,
Eastward over my head
“Where do you think your going?
These plants have not been fed!”

Suddenly the sky stood still,
Affronted by my words
It mustered strength, edged up-hill,
Like a fearless flock of birds

I watched the thundering sky,
As cloud heaved back my way
I couldn’t believe my eyes…
Now I worried it would stay!

I threw the door asunder
Screaming as though insane
“Don’t just lightening and thunder!
Rain you bastard! Rain!

I yelled from in the lounge room,
I didn’t dare outside
One lightening strike and BOOM,
I’d injure more than pride

So if you hear faint screaming
On dry but stormy nights
It’s just the crazy gardener,
Yelling with all her might

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My House is FOR SALE

I live in a place full of steep hills and valleys. In the mornings if it has been wet enough during the night, the mist gets caught in the trees half way up the hills and hangs low to the ground. Where I live is magical those mornings.

I live in a place where the hills are so steep; the hot glare of the Western sun goes down early but leaves a relaxing end of day twilight for hours. And though it takes ages to drive home from work, I get to see the most beautiful sun sets 5 days a week. The way home to where I live is magical those afternoons.

I live in a place that is situated in the overlap of two major habitats of flora and fauna. This means I live with twice as many varieties of animals, birds and trees than I would if I lived in many other areas of Australia. The amount of wildlife here is magical.

I live in a place that is semi-rural and has no street lights. It is very dark here at night. This means I can use the light of a big moon to negotiate the pathway to the house in winters when the days are shorter. I love big moons. The darkness means I get to see twice as many stars in the sky at night, then if I lived closer to a city. Where I live is magical at night.

My house is for sale. I cannot afford to live here and pay out my ex. Yesterday someone came to look at the house to see if they would like to buy. They said they liked it and like the area. They sounded as though they meant it. I wonder if they really appreciate how much magic they'll be getting if they decide to stay.