Monday, May 5, 2008

Global Food Shortage

In initial response to the latest media reports of a potential global food shortage, I considered stocking up on rice and flour. I expected family to roll their eyes in their heads and laugh when I gave voice to the idea. Remarkably, the TV documentary playing at the time instead, served to lend apparent credibility to a statement that would ordinarily have been met with ridicule and laughter. Just another one of my ideas.

Ah, the power of television.

After more considered thought, I have now decided to give vegetable gardening another go instead of stockpiling resources. This leaves more room in the laundry and I get exercise. Plus the sun still shines and I have a very large tank of rainwater at my disposal.

The rainwater tank was bought during the water shortage crisis prior to the recent, biggest flood in 60 years. At a time when I hedged my bets that South East Queensland might devolve into a precivilized unwashed society, desperately pillaging drinkable water. If we were unlucky enough.

What can I say. I am a child of the Cold War and at times, I wonder what Nostradamus is thinking. I am confronted by the personal experience of changed long term weather patterns within my lifetime. The digital exclaimations of global warming only serves to reinforce my own quiet observations.

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